For a
student of Keynesian economics, it is fascinating to see how his policies are applied,
almost textbook-style, by Japan's Shinzo Abe - arguably the most dynamic - and
divisive - Prime Minister Japan has had in a while. The media
has been quick to christen his raft of economic policies Abenomics, after Abe,
with his sheer force of personality and political charisma, rammed the policies
through, even bending the Bank of Japan to his will.
is spearheaded by the so-called 'Three Arrows' - massive fiscal stimulus,
aggressive monetary easing, and structural reforms to bolster Japan's
competitiveness going forward.
The first
two arrows are textbook Keynesian plays, which led a falling yen and a sharp
rally in the Nikkei. The effects, as one would expect from pumping money into a
system, are rather direct - a falling yen made Japanese exports more
competitive, boosting the cash pile and stock prices of Japanese giants like
Toyota, and generating inflation and more housing market activity in Japan.
Good news considering that Japan has been dubbed the 'miraculous zero-growth
economy' for the past two decades.
The third
arrow, focusing on the creation of sustainable growth, however, has been widely
panned by critics and observers as falling way short of its mark - this
critical third arrow, they allege, consists of the same tired set of ideas that
have been toyed around with during Japan's 'lost decade'. Abe, despite all the
hype, was not doing anything more radical than Keynesian pump priming to bring
a flagging economy back to capacity, or, in economic terms, to its production
possibility frontier.
What is
critical, however, is pushing this economic frontier forward and outward, to
ensure that growth is long-term and sustainable - this is why the Third Arrow
is perhaps the most crucial, and where Abe has fallen short of his self-declared
mark. The markets reacted with a sigh and sputter since June when the third
arrow was notched and fired.
The lesson
here, perhaps, is that there are no quick, textbook fixes for the economy. It
is only in taking deep structural reforms - in essence, taking a calculated
risk, a bold plunge into the unknown (the future), that genuine gains will be
made. In Japan's case, this means having to revisit almost 'taboo' topics such
as immigration to make up for a rapidly-ageing population, and agricultural and
labour reforms in preparation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership - issues no
politician would be willing to raise.
It is about
swallowing the bitter pill now, rather than dither and hope the illness will go
away on its own. Put flatly, it will not, but one cannot expect mere politicians,
fixated in staying in office and commanding the popular vote, to make these
difficult but ultimately necessary decisions. It takes a truly visionary
statesman to do so - it remains to be seen if Mr. Abe is ready to step into
those big shoes and take Japan out of its lost decades.
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